Monday, November 28, 2011

This is getting disturbing...

Hi, all! Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break.

I decided to stay at SC for the break since I needed to get more shots done. I won't post all the animation I've done, but I'll leave you with this tantalizing tidbit of nightmare fuel.

A couple notes: Blotto's dialogue for this bit will be slightly altered to have a more demonic/otherworldly vibe. Also, this shot was much less fun to animate than I thought, especially trying to do the lip-sync for Blotto's 'realistic' face. Oh well, it's out of the way.

In unrelated news, go see The Muppets!


  1. Is he supposed to look like Mel Brooks as Yoghurt in Space Balls? Because he does.

  2. Well, damn, now I can't stop seeing it.

  3. I think it looks great!

    And the Muppets were good as well!

  4. Perfect! To me he looks like Steve Buscemi...
