Thursday, January 27, 2011

And so it comes down...

So I've narrowed my decision down to either The High Five Apprentice or The King has Fallen. I really like the chess idea just because I think it would have a lot of non-cheesy emotional resonance that a lot of people can relate to. It would also give me a challenge in animating age. The High Five film has a lot more creative freedom, and I could do a lot of loopy, crazy animation... things. Also, it sounds completely ridiculous but it still would carry a message that (in my opinion) doesn't seem too forced.

While I'm deciding, here's a more updated version of Blotto.

 I was thinking that if I end up using this idea, I could matte some crazy backgrounds onto Blotto's body, such as a lava lamp or mixing paints. Also, sorry the picture is ruining the layout of the blog.

That's all for now.