Sunday, September 4, 2011

Back in Business

Hello, folks!

Summer is over, and we're back to reality.

Things that I have to do this week:

Re-boarding some bits of the first and second act.
Contact voice actors.
Animate non-dialogue shots.
Finalize script.

It's all coming thick and fast.

In more uplifting news, a Cintiq is now in my possession! Since my film is mostly digital, that will most definitely increase my productivity. Later today, I'm going to start moving equipment (mostly books, decoration, etc.) into my wonderful new home called my animation cubicle. I'm making it my goal to literally make it my home away from home. I'm bringing in bed sheets, I'm bringing in pillows, I'm bringing in toiletries. It will be glorious.

To tide you over, here are some new backgrounds.

Ray's world is done in pencil, and then coloured in Photoshop. Though I really like the pencil style, scanning in the drawings is a real bore, so I actually decided to download some pencil brushes for photoshop. All of the pencil-like aesthetic, none of the hassle.

Also, here's a preview of Blotto from my re-boards.


Lookin' good. Back to boarding!


  1. Hooray for Cintiqs! Hooray for toiletries!

  2. Hi Tom,

    That's great- but I do think it's important to go home each night and get a good night's sleep! Think of it more as an office than a home :)

    I am glad you will be working in Photoshop- it will save you from having to scan all of your drawings. The time does add up!

